currently… {december 2014}

Currently... December 2014 {the ponytail diaries}

loving | mugs of hot tea, Christmas light displays, seeing family

reading | Gone with the Wind. I’m about 200 pages in and thinking this might be one of those rare examples of the book being better than the movie (I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’m assuming it won’t go on and on and on about how many times Atlanta changed its name).

listening | Christmas music. duh.

planning | Christmas travel. 2015. Blog + business stuff.

recovering | from a bit of a cold

celebrating | my youngest brother’s graduation from Cal Poly

hoping | my marathon training isn’t completely derailed from resting/skipping/rescheduling some important runs because of this stupid cold

eating | chili and soup and donuts and tri-tip and omelettes and pizza and ALL THE FOOD (I always eat well when I visit SLO)

drinking | tea, tea, and hot chocolate. and my homebrew!

bookmarking/pinning/tweeting/sharing | this hat pattern. these sweats that are most definitely on my Christmas list (please, Santa?). this fabulous list of ideas/inspiration/resources for writers and writers-to-be. this list of author/book recommendations and this one. this homemade drinking chocolate recipe that doesn’t look hard at all! this john muir quote (one of my favorites). this photoshop tutorial. this infused bourbon. this writing advice. this blogging advice. and these crockpot recipes.




3 thoughts on “currently… {december 2014}

  1. okay, but Hanson’s Snowed In is the first Christmas album I ever bought with my own money + also the first one I play when it gets to be Christmas time! Also, you absolutely need to see the movie if for nothing other than to see just how handsome Clark Gable is with a southern accent….

    • I had friends in high school who didn’t even like Hanson but loved that album. It’s the best. And I think watching the movie will be my reward for getting through the book…

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