currently… {october 2014}

Currently October 2014 {the ponytail diaries}

stressing/enjoying | the postseason! i’m definitely freaking out over this series with the cardinals but so far, it’s been a deliciously fun ride — even though i’m probably getting ulcers.

reading | memoirs, nonfiction, and biographies up the wazoo. all enjoyable but i’m looking forward to digging into a novel soon.

listening | my old ray charles pandora station. think: ella, nina, b.b. king, neil diamond, the temptations, louis armstrong, frank sinatra, and of course, ray. this stuff is good for the soul.

buying | moar concert tickets. zac brown band this weekend!

wishing | for a magical laundry fairy who comes once a week, washes all my clothes, then actually folds them and puts them away. without me having to lift a finger.

feeling | like the only 20-something woman not deliriously excited about the gilmore girls on netflix.

drinking | anchor steam beer during the games. strawberry + black pepper tea in the mornings.

working | on my new site. still.

loving | all the food in chicago.

bookmarking/pinning | killer wordpress tips. 15 bits of career inspiration. waffle-licious. this dreamy tutorial (see what i did there??). this california necklace.




2 thoughts on “currently… {october 2014}

    • It’s actually one I picked up in Chicago. Now that I think about it, I don’t know of any local tea shops…when I get loose leaf I usually just go to Teavana.

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